Сүхбаатарын Батболд Batbold Sukhbaatar

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Нийтэлсэн: - 2021/08/06 14:45 - Мэдээ, мэдээлэл , Ярилцлага

Batbold Sukhbaatar’s life and work can be divided into three areas: education, business and politics. Each one is separate, but they’re inextricably linked. 

Batbold Sukhbaatar was born in 1963, in Ulaanbaatar. He graduated from high school and studied at the prestigious Moscow State Institute of International Relations. He later attended London Business School and the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

His career began in 1986, at the Import Division of the Ministry of Economy. Two years later, he became an executive at Mongol Impex Cooperative. He then started his own family corporation, Altai Trading. Mr. Batbold timed his entry into commerce with the opening up of the economy and the embracing of modern business methods and practices. He was in the first wave of successful, visionary Mongolian entrepreneurs, running Altai from 1992 to 2000, growing it into one of Mongolia’s largest private groups with interests in retail, imports and exports, cashmere production, telecoms, tourism and hospitality.

Once Altai was firmly established, Mr. Batbold felt it was time to give something back, to help Mongolia.

He entered Parliament as an MP for the Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party or MPRP (subsequently joining its Leadership Council) and became a minister in the Foreign Affairs Ministry.

He then held a position in the Cabinet as Minister of Trade and Industry, followed by Foreign Minister from 2008, until being made Prime Minister in 2009.

Mr. Batbold insisted that Mongolia pursue better governance and legal procedures, including fighting corruption. Mr. Batbold has always believed that democracy, human rights and development are among the most important values.

Mr. Batbold was also keen to bring other countries’ best practices and standards to Mongolia. These included: cooperation between Mongolia and the London Stock Exchange; partnership with a Cambridge University consortium to introduce the Cambridge International Education system into Mongolia’s schools and to reform primary and secondary teaching; drawing on the Canadian Public Service Commission to reform Mongolia’s public service; and Mongolia being certified as fully transparent under the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative, initiated by the British Government. His cabinet also supported the enactment of the Law on Gender Equality in 2011.

Mr. Batbold hosted and held negotiations with world leaders including the two neighbouring countries, Russia and China, the Vice President (now President) Joe Biden, Chancellor Angela Merkel, and State Secretary Hillary Clinton, among many others.

Under the coalition government led by Mr. Batbold, the Mongolian economy grew at an all-time high of 17.5 per cent. Poverty was reduced by double digits for the first time, and household incomes almost doubled. These are real statistics, not words. Numbers don’t lie.

That success can be repeated and Mr. Batbold is confident that by encouraging domestic and foreign investors, high economic growth will be achieved by Mongolia in the near future, once the pandemic is over.

Prime Minister S.Batbold

УИХ-ын гишүүн С.Батболд иргэд, сонгогч та бүхэнтэй тогтмол холбоотой ажиллаж, таны санал бодлыг өөрийн үйл ажиллагаанд тусгаж, харилцан мэдээлэл солилцож ажил­лахыг чухалчилж байна.

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