Сүхбаатарын Батболд Batbold Sukhbaatar

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Mongolia’s transition to democracy

Нийтэлсэн: - 2021/08/06 14:42 - Мэдээ, мэдээлэл , Ярилцлага

It is no coincidence that Mr. Batbold’s path accompanied Mongolia’s own progress from a closed country to a democracy with an open economy. His achievements would not have been possible without this shift.

Mr. Batbold regards it as his duty to see that stability is maintained. Mongolian roots may be traced back many centuries, but it is a young nation politically and economically. It is vital that Mongolia does not slip back into its old ways and that it continues to move forward.

History shows that one must never take anything for granted, one cannot assume – and if one displays weakness, others are all too willing to step in and fill the void. Mongolia’s story in particular provides enough evidence of what could happen to a country that is sandwiched between two extremely powerful neighbors.

Mr. Batbold was one of the first Mongolians to study in the West and to see at first-hand what benefits free market economics could bring. He was also one of the first in Mongolia to put that realization into practice as private enterprise became possible. When Mr. Batbold became a politician, that belief in democratic principles and the strength of the free market sustained him in Parliament, then as Prime Minister.

Batbold Sukhbaatar wants to see all Mongolians afforded similar opportunities, to be able to make the most of their lives. Mongolia is a relatively poor country, but it is rich in natural resources. It is wealthy, too, in the determination and enterprise of its people. Health, education, good governance, equality, increasing incomes for all – these should be the country’s principle aims.

To that can be added identity. It’s vital that Mongolia isn’t exploited and subsumed. That would not represent progress and would see the country become lost and ignored.

What Mongolia has is an excellent foundation – but it is only a foundation. In the years ahead, it must be built upon

Prime Minister S.Batbold

УИХ-ын гишүүн С.Батболд иргэд, сонгогч та бүхэнтэй тогтмол холбоотой ажиллаж, таны санал бодлыг өөрийн үйл ажиллагаанд тусгаж, харилцан мэдээлэл солилцож ажил­лахыг чухалчилж байна.

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