Сүхбаатарын Батболд Batbold Sukhbaatar

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S.Batbold, Member of Parliament

Нийтэлсэн: - 2021/08/06 11:58 - Мэдээ, мэдээлэл , Мэдээ , Фото мэдээ

S.Batbold, Member of Parliament, believes in the importance of working with Mongolian citizens and voters on a regular basis, reflecting your views in our activities and exchanging information with each other.

Throughout his life, Batbold Sukhbaatar has believed in working hard and doing his best – in business and for his country, Mongolia.

As Prime Minister he was keen to offer political leadership and bring greater prosperity to Mongolia. Mr. Batbold believes that giving domestic businesses the tools to grow and attracting outside investors can benefit all Mongolians.

Communities in Mongolia depend on the government; for its leaders and for support. Mr. Batbold believes that if Mongolians can pursue the highest standards in education, the environment, and governance and business, it will create a strong Mongolia, not just for now but also for future generations. Mongolia must become a stable lasting democracy, enjoying good, peaceful relations with powerful neighbours, such as Russia and China, and with the rest of the world.

Mongolia is a beautiful country – one of the most beautiful on Earth. The people’s bond with nature and with Mongolia’s spectacular surroundings, makes Mongolia truly special. Mongolia’s culture and history are marked by bold ambition and endeavour. It shows what is possible. It has so much to offer. Mr. Batbold says Mongolians have to believe in themselves again and come together to embrace change.

This is what drove Mr. Batbold to enter Parliament. It’s what he tried to instill when he was Prime Minister, and what he would do again if he became President in the elections.

“You don’t just become a popular politician; you have to earn people’s respect and support. What matters is that the people come first, that their lives are improved and made more secure – that’s the job of any politician. Be clear in your goals, be open about the direction you’re going and the task ahead. Get that right, and popularity will come.”

That means raising standards in all walks of life and recording the best possible economic growth. That’s what Mr. Batbold achieved before and will do so again.

Prime Minister S.Batbold

УИХ-ын гишүүн С.Батболд иргэд, сонгогч та бүхэнтэй тогтмол холбоотой ажиллаж, таны санал бодлыг өөрийн үйл ажиллагаанд тусгаж, харилцан мэдээлэл солилцож ажил­лахыг чухалчилж байна.

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